parsech - Parse Comp-Hist
A parser for the Computer History Graphing Project.
parsech -o [dump|chml|info|vcg|biblio] parsech -h parsech -v parsech -s(desired dopos scaling)
parsech is a unified parser for the Comp-Hist project. It came about thanks to the fact that I was sick of writing a new parser for each new format we decided to support.
Oh, and I wanted documentation, too.
parsech will take three arguments at this point, plus all the files you want parsed.
This switch dictates the output format. Currently, it will take the following arguments: dump, chml, vcg, info, or biblio.
This switch will print out the version and exit.
This switch will print a brief help message and exit.
This switch will set the value used by dopos to scale the vcg output.
The parse subroutine does the heavy lifting involved in parsing, and really should be the only function that ever touches the file's contents.
The data fields are parsed as follows:
This function reads in the %Year
hash (created by parse) and sets the variables $Maxyear
and $Minyear
dopos reads in the nodes given to it as arguments and sets a vertical position for the node accordingly. Useful mostly for dot and vcg output.
linkup is the routine that creates the @linkfrom, @linkto, and
arrays. Used mostly by parse.
dump is a rough output format. All it does is sort the nodes and strip comments.
The chml routine sucks in the files, and spits out a bit of CHML (Comp-Hist Markup Language).
The info routine parses the data and then, for each node with an Info: field, spits out the node name and its contents.
This routine is quite similar in operation to the info routine, except that it looks for Reference: fields.
The setcolor routine turns types of nodes into colors and stores them in
the %Color
hash. The rules for translation are below:
The setshape routine will set shapes for the nodes according to the following status/shape relationship:
This lovely little function sets up the weights for vcg to use.
The vcg subroutine is an adapted form of tovcg's ``graph'' routine. The changes are as follows: